About Me

Hello! I am (Donovan) Leow Wen Bin, a Computer Science undergraduate in the National University of Singapore. Having studied Computer Science since the age of 14, I've grown a very strong passion for and interest in the subject, especially the field of Artificial Intelligence. This passion, together with a consistent work ethic and endless desire to learn, has led to me achieving excellence throughout my academic history.

I chose a career in technology because I believe it has the potential to improve our lives, even if in small, incremental ways. My hope is that the software I create will benefit people everywhere!

Yours Truly

Work and Education

Here are some of the notable aspects of my journey.

A full timeline of my education, work, and project history can be found here.

  • National University of Singapore

    National University of Singapore (2018-2022)

    Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science; Dean's List of AY2019/2020 Semesters 1 and 2

  • Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations

    Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations (2019)

    Software Engineering intern, responsible for backend development of a Ruby on Rails web application

  • MyCareersFuture Singapore

    MyCareersFuture Singapore

    Machine Learning intern, responsible for improving an NLP resume parser and ensuring its continued performance

Skills and Proficiencies

Here are some of the skills and proficiencies that I have. They are shown

along with related frameworks and technologies.

  • WebApps
    Ruby on Rails
  • S.W. Engineering
    Gitlab CI
  • Machine Learning
  • Others


Please feel free to get in touch with me using the links below!

© Leow Wen Bin, 2021. All Rights Reserved.